Thursday, August 29, 2013

Spotlight on: the Amish

Courting Cate (The Courtships of Lancaster County) by Leslie Gould My rating: 3 of 5 stars Courting Cate is a charming story that I read in one sitting because I was keen to reach the inevitable happy ending. The writer attempts to marry Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew with an Amish romance. While it is a clever idea, it doesn’t quite work. I liked this Cate all along, and I never saw her as an unlovable shrew. She erroneously saw herself this way, but she was actually quite selfless and caring. So instead of being “tamed,” I saw her as being treated harshly and unfairly. Still, I enjoyed the read as lighter fair and appreciated the glimpse into Amish ways. I recommend it as a quick read for fans of Amish and/or Christian romance. Read the reast of this post and furhter book reviews at

Spotlight on: the Amish